Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It only gets better...

How did I get blessed with such a great baby? I was so worried that after posting about our glorious 7 hour stint of sleeping that we would surely go back to 3-4 hour shifts, but alas he not only has kept up that little routine, but has improved upon it. Our little dude now sleeps a stint of 8 to 8 1/2 hours in the night. We put him down around 8:30 and he doesn't wake up until 4:30 or 5am. What does one have to do to deserve this?


Sabrina said...

Yay! I'm jealous. Well right now Logan sleeps fine but not at Mile's age.

You need to let me know what I need to bring Sunday.

Jeri said...

That is not fair! Neither of my kids have been sleepers like that. Allie didn't even sleep through the night unitl after her first birthday! I was up every 3-4 hours for a year!! Gabby has been better since I did the "sleep training" with her when she was almost five months old. (And I had to read a book on how to do that!) I must be doing something very wrong...
Luckily, there won't be anymore babies at this house!

Jeri said...
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Little Guy Ties said...

Good question...if you find out let me know! Jenson is a horrible sleeper! He takes one 2 hour nap during the day then goes to bed around 10, wakes up around 3 or 4 to eat then sleeps again til 7:30 to eat then sleeps again til 10am. Man I dont even remember what it was like to sleep through the are one lucky girl!

Tiffany said...

Awesome. I am jealous though... One of the kids is always waking me up a couple times during the night.