Thursday, February 9, 2012


My mom came to town for M's birthday and while here we visited the dinosaur museum.  I was a little uncertain about going-- last time we visited we stayed for 10 minutes before M cried out of pure terror to leave.  But this time he seemed to understand they were fake.
We walked around looking at all of the bones and then enjoyed our time in the "hands-on" room, where they let you hold bones and draw dinosaur footprints in sand boxes.  Really fun stuff.
Of course he had to wear his new dino-hoodie.  I'm so proud of him not being afraid this time--he's growing up. *sob*


Smiling Programmer said...

:D Ha-ha, be scared to cry?...So cute and naive your children.
Child's world is always heaven.And we are lack of something they have.
By the way:The last two photos about Miles watching dinosaurs curiously are very vivid,worth of collecting.

Meg said...

Oh I just love them so much!